Trout Fishing in Bergton, VA

Best Trout Fishing

There are several places you can go to fish for trout in Bergton in Rockingham County, VA.  All these sites are fairly accessible, although you might have to fight your way through a little brush to find the best spots.  I think you will be rewarded with good fishing and a peaceful day away from the hustle and bustle of life.  Remember a bad day of trout fishing is better than a good day at work!

Of the three stocking sites I have listed below, the Blue Hole site is the most popular, the most frequently stocked and with the most varieties of trout.

Germany or German River (Upper Part)

Everyone in Bergton calls this river the Germany River, but I guess its official name is “German River.”  It is stocked with trout in several places.   The upper part of the river is stocked with Brook Trout three times between 10/1 and 4/30.  This is a “put and take” site where fishers are allowed to take fish that have been put/stocked there.  Fishing trout in this state designated stocked water requires a trout license/stamp.

Trout Spots in Bergton - German River

The German River (Upper) trout stocking site is where road 826 (Criders Road) meets road 865 (Dovesville Road) in Criders.  A good landmark would be the Criders Post Office.  There is a concrete bridge there and trout are stocked above and below the bridge.  The good trout fishing continues from the bridge at the Criders Post Office all the way to the next concrete bridge just up the road.  There is a really good pool under the bridge beside the post office.

You can park along the side of the road or in the Criders Post Office parking lot (across the road from the post office).  If you have kids with you, make sure they don’t wander out in the road.  It’s sort of a straight section through there and people sometimes go up and down that section a little faster than they should.

Be Aware Of:

  • limited cell service in the area
  • no public restrooms (even at the Post Office)

Germany or German River (Lower Part)

The lower part of the river is stocked with Brook Trout three times between 10/1 and 4/30.  This is a “put and take” site where fishers are allowed to take fish that have been put/stocked there.  Fishing trout in this state designated stocked water requires a trout license/stamp.

Trout Fishing at German River in Bergton

The German River (Lower) trout stocking site is just up road 826 (Criders Road).  A good landmark here would be the Bergton Community Center (Rec Center) / Old Bergton Elementary School.  You can park at the Rec Center, make your way over to the river beside the road and either go up or down the river.

The above map says “Criders”, but I really wouldn’t call that area Criders until you are up the road a few more miles.  

Be Aware Of:

  • limited cell service in the area
  • if the Bergton Rec Center is open (library, food pantry, etc.) it has public bathrooms.

Blue Hole

Blue Hole is the third site that gets stocked with Trout in Bergton.  The river here would be the North Fork of the Shenandoah.  This site is more popular and gets stocked more often.  The Blue Hole site gets stocked five times between 10/1 and 5/15.  It also gets stocked with a larger variety of trout.  There are Rainbow Trout, Brown Trout and Brook Trout.  That’s some good fishing and some good eating.

Trout Fishing at Blue Hole in Bergton

To get to Blue Hole, take Rt 259 to Bergton.  If you’re coming from the Virginia side turn left (West Virginia side turn right) onto 865 Bergton Road.  Follow it for about a mile or so and Blue Hole Road will be on your left after you cross a concrete bridge.  The stocking area is from the bridge on down to Blue Hole.  

Trout Stocking at Blue Hole in Bergton

You can park anywhere along Blue Hole Road (dirt road) or at the parking lot at Blue Hole.  The river might get pretty low in the summer or during droughts.  

Be Aware Of:

  • limited cell service in the area
  • No restrooms (but you are not too far from Capon Run General Store which has public restrooms)
  • No alcohol consumption
  • No camping

Fishing Supplies - Capon Run General Store

The closest place to get fishing supplies would be Capon Run General Store on Rt. 259 near the Bergton cutoff.  They have a refrigerator with bait and some other fishing supplies.  They have good pizza, chicken and hamburgers.  You can get drinks here too.  Maybe you want to rest in the cold room on a hot day.  Nearby River’s Edge Campground may also carry some trout fishing supplies too.

Capon Run General Store Location



And here is information on Fishing Hardy County, WV.