Blue Hole Bergton, VA

Blue Hole

Blue Hole is our local swimming and fishing hole in Bergton.  It’s at the start of the North Fork of the Shenandoah River.  Growing up, I swam in this river maybe 1,000 times.  It was the thing to do after a long day in the hay field – or after any day working on the farm.  I haven’t been IN it in a few years, but it’s still there and still available to swim or fish or picnic.

Blue Hole Bergton VA

I suppose the most fun thing to do is to climb the rocks and jump in.  PLEASE DO NOT DIVE IN THE WATER.  There are large rocks underwater and they may move during flooding.  And the water is not that deep.  There have been all sorts of “additions” to Blue Hole over the years.  Tire swings, rope swings, branches for jumping from.  I think most or all of those things have been removed or cut down.  You can still jump off the rocks and get that great cold water rush.

Blue Hole is now just a day-use type of place.  It’s free.  You can just show up.  You used to be able to camp and there was an outhouse, but now – nope.  The closest place with a public bathroom would be Capon Run General Store, about a mile away on Rt. 259.  There used to be a hand pump where you could get some water, but now- nope.  There is NO portable toilet and camping on the nice flat grassy area is forbidden.  Sorry about all that.

The most unusual thing I have seen at Blue Hole is a bunch of naked hippies.  I was about 15 and my dad took the whole haymaking crew for a swim after a day in the field.  We had about 4-5 teenage boys.  When we arrived we found about twenty naked hippies spread out all over the river – swimming, laying on the river bank, standing in the water.  We sat on the rocks wide-eyed and dumbfounded for about five minutes until dad said we were out of there.  We went over to Green Valley grocery store where Darley (not sure I spelled that right)  Moyers was sitting on a bar stool.  We said Darley, you’re never going to believe what we just saw.  He says, “A bunch of naked hippies at Blue Hole!”  Hahahaha.  He already knew all about it.  News travels fast through Bergton.  I think naked swimming is officially forbidden at Blue Hole, but I’m not going to say anything if I see you.

The river  around Blue Hole does get stocked with trout, and it’s very popular with fishermen.  (See the stocking dates for the North Fork of the Shenandoah.)  A fishing license is required, of course.

The closest place to get picnic food to take to Blue Hole would be Capon Run General Store on Rt. 259.  It’s not too far, maybe a mile or two at most.

To get to Blue Hole head to Bergton on Rt. 259.  Take Bergton Road / Rt. 820 for about a mile.  You will cross a bridge and Blue Hole Road is on your left.  Follow the road back about a couple hundred yards and there will be a parking area.

Be Aware Of:

  • limited cell service in the area
  • no public restrooms – but Capon Run General Store is only about a mile away in case you need it badly and don’t want to go in the woods.
  • the area does flood
  • alcohol is not allowed
  • camping is not allowed
  • no lifeguards / swim at your own risk
  • swimming area is not very large

I disturbed a nice family from out of the area when I was taking these photos.  They did not want to be in the pictures, so they all moved out of the water.  My apologies to the family for interrupting their nice peaceful Blue Hole swim.

Blue Hole River
Map to Blue Hole in Bergton VA